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Program Proposal and Approval

Creating a New Program Proposal

New Program Proposals must be submitted for all proposed new degree programs and proposed degree program modifications that meet the criteria outlined in the section below.  Proposals should demonstrate how a new program will support the University’s strategic plan and the mission of the school or unit. They should also reflect both an internal planning process within the school/unit, and engagement as appropriate with other schools/units, especially those that may overlap or relate to the proposed program. Proposals can be submitted to Mearah Quinn-Brauner (mearah@northwestern.edu), Director for Strategy and Policy in the Office of the Provost, and should address the topics found here: Proposal Guidelines.

Program Modifications

In order to assess whether modification of an existing degree program is substantial enough to merit a New Program Proposal and Decanal/Provost Review, the following checklist should be consulted.

Does the proposal:

  • Add a new academic program
  • Make a substantial change to the philosophy/purpose of this degree
  • Change the relationship to other degrees that may have been approved or modified since the existing degree was designed
  • Propose major curricular changes (e.g. are more than 25% of the courses new to this degree?)
  • Involve departments or academic units that have not been previously involved with this program
  • Involve faculty from new or different departments or schools
  • Change the tuition structure
  • Have access to new resources that present new opportunities for expansion of the degree, or face a loss of resources that requires downscaling
  • Propose shifting the administration of the degree to a different administrative unit
  • Propose discontinuing the degree

If the answer to one or more of these is “yes,” please consult with Mearah Quinn-Brauner (mearah@northwestern.edu), Director for Strategy and Policy in the Office of the Provost, regarding whether a new proposal and review are required.